Learn and Implement Cutting Edge Data-Driven Marketing Strategies Without Breaking The Bank Or Wasting Your Time

Cut your learning time in half by mastering the only five dimensions that matter in marketing and walk away with a certificate of proof that you are in the top 5% of your field

Here’s how we are different from other training options:

🎓 Five Certificate Programs

Master the 5 core dimensions of data-driven marketing with our comprehensive certificate programs

👩‍🏫 Taught by multiple instructors for balanced learning

Single instructor courses sound good in theory, but teachers can’t know everything… that’s why our programs feature instruction from at least a dozen real-world experts

👨‍💻Expert Support and Guidance

Never get stuck again with a “direct line” to active data-driven marketing expert practitioners who take time out of their day jobs to support your journey. Get unlimited support from our Slack community

🚀A complete learning experience

Where your vision meets actionable implementation, our programs balance high-level strategy with “hands-on” tactical execution so you can get complete results

‍💼 Constantly updated for rapid implementation

We publish 3-5 updates to our membership each month. Unlike the millions of useless online courses out there, we provide you with implementation resources to put what you’ve learned into action, saving you hundreds of hours of pain along the way without spending days digging the web for them

🏢 Trusted by over 10,000 unique organizations to train their teams

Data Driven has trained marketers, analysts, managers, and executives from the following organizations:

Our team is dedicated to keeping you informed and up to date with the changes in the world of data-driven marketing by adding 3-5 training opportunities to our membership every month.

Just one of these assets can save you a ten hours or more of frustration and frantically Googling for answers.

See how our alumni have leveled up from our training programs

“Packed full of information, and the resources were just beyond reproach. Seriously, Jeff, thank you!”
– Susy Geissinger
“If I had not taken this program, I would not be confident doing this for other people. Thank you, Data Driven U!”
Michelle Tresemer

🧠💡From Strategy to Execution, this is your path to data-driven marketing excellence

Most training you find online is either overly tactical details that make your head spin or fluffy high-level presentations that fail to deliver the goods.

We provide a best in class solution for both strategic excellence and tactical execution, so you can become the complete marketer that the market demands today.

“I dig the courses and the Insiders membership; it's like getting access to Advanced level tactics and strategies. Without this access, I was basically lost dealing with GA4 and Google Ads If I wasn't a member, and knew of this membership, I would feel ashamed to not be a part of it!”

👨‍🏫 Industry leading training and implementation programs delivered by experienced instructors

With world-class instructors who are actively implementing the tactics they teach and the best structured learning experience you’ll find online or in-person, there’s no better way to turn data into your unfair career advantage.

The following experts have made contributions inside our membership!

“The courses are incredible, but more than that, the community, events, perks, and ongoing releases elevate it from a nice-to-have to a must-have. Become a member, and you’ll see!”
Rand Fishkin
Membership Contributor and Founder of SparkToro

👋 The marketing world is changing every day. That’s why we teach you how to become a multi-dimensional marketer who thrives at adapting to the latest trends.

From privacy regulations to AI to platform changes, we help marketers build indispensable skills to ignite growth for businesses you serve (and transform the future of your marketing career)

Modern marketers are always playing catch-up and with constant platform changes, it’s hard to find time to actually learn new tools and tactics.

Our membership helps multi-dimensional marketers develop steady, measured, and focused results.

Multi-dimensional marketers excel at things most struggle with:

Automating without losing the human touch

Leveraging AI to stay ahead while reducing implementation time

Using strategy to say “less is more” with data

Staying up-to-date with courses, workshops, and community

Advice from our community to help make difficult decisions

Multi-dimensional marketers are among the top 5% of their field and command more respect and compensation than their analog counterparts.

Our membership is the fastest path available for rounding out your skills through training and implementation.

“It feels like a secret weapon & why I maintain my DDU membership because even in busy periods when I can't focus on the formal learning content I know the slack group will always have my back for those tricky questions that platform support teams can never answer.”
Christina JONES

Get promoted, start your own business, and deliver better results for your company and clients with a single monthly or annual membership.

🏫 Our Data Driven Insiders membership is built around five world-class training programs delivered by expert instructors actively working in their fields

We balance your need for modern strategies and expert implementation details, and give you a certificate to prove your expertise after completing each program.


Drive targeted traffic to your website through effective marketing channels using up-to-date strategies. Optimize campaigns to attract and engage the right audiences.


Implement accurate tagging to capture crucial data on all customer journey touchpoints. Reliable data collection is vital to gaining deeper insights into user behavior and campaign performance.


Use analytics to uncover emerging new trends, identify market-gap opportunities, and make smart business decisions quickly and with agility. Keep refining your campaigns for better results.


Improve conversion rates through a dazzling user experience, optimized landing pages, and persuasive messaging. Turn more visitors into customers and boost average order values.


Create comprehensive, easy-to-understand reports to visualize your marketing data. Communicate insights effectively, track progress, and guide strategic decision-making.

“The teachings are nothing short of amazing. Jeff doesn’t just give you the facts. He teaches you processes that make you valuable for your clients.”
Marco Kramer
“Data Driven U is where I go for online search and advertising training. The material is based on real-world examples and real-world experience.”
Ryan Soper-Powell

We don’t offer courses, we provide you with clear learning paths to become a top 5% marketer by focusing on the intersection of strategy and tactics.

Whether you choose to get an expert level certificate in a single dimension, or take our strategy path to “walk the talk” across all dimensions, we give you the exact support you need to learn and implement quickly.

Value: $4,995

👨‍💻 Expert support is always available when you join our live “Brain Gainz” and Office Hours sessions with industry leaders who are actively solving the problems you face

Ask Our Experts ANYTHING

Whether you are having issues with the data you collected or need validation of your strategies, get your questions answered by our experts live, no matter how simple or complex of a problem you face.

No question goes unanswered. You will leave every Q&A session with your question answered completely and thoroughly.
Learn by attending. Even if you don’t have a question on your mind, you will learn by osmosis, surrounding yourself by “big brains” who are dedicated to making our community thrive.
All of our experts started off as students and volunteer their time to give back to the community. Name another community online where the members are this passionate!
“I've gotten so much help with so many issues. It's great to be able to post a question and know that other people actually understand the material you are talking about. I'm used to people saying, “sorry I have no clue.” One specific issue I had that Fred Pike helped me out tremendously was trying to figure out how to get data sent to my GA4 property on a huge news site where numerous articles get posted daily.”
Kelsie HALL

Value: $4,995

⭐ Need answers even faster? We’ve got you covered around the clock with our private Slack Community, featuring members in over 40 countries worldwide

Get Unlimited Support and participate in lively discussions with your peers and experience a safe place to ask all your questions

Active members receive an exclusive invite to our Slack community, where lively discussions are happening every single day.

Whether you are looking to find answers to your data questions or form a partnership with a skilled member, you will find what you need in our community.

We even go the extra mile to provide a dedicated experts channel for unlimited support (even for the most complex situations).

See emerging trends develop before the rest of the industry even wakes up
Strengthen your marketing strategies using our hive mind reviews and feedback, and pay it forward to your fellow community members
Solve specific marketing challenges by leveraging AI tools, while also making sure you respect your customers privacy
Interact with our community experts and your peers to collaborate on new projects and strengthen your bonds
“Initially, I was hesitant about becoming a part of the Data-Driven U Slack community. I was worried that there might be too much information to handle, which could add to my already busy schedule.

Despite my initial hesitation, I decided to give this community a chance and I am pleasantly surprised by the wealth of knowledge and networking opportunities it provides. The information shared here is not only relevant but also insightful without being overwhelming.

I've had the chance to engage in meaningful discussions, learn from experts, offer assistance, and gain valuable insights that would not have been easily accessible elsewhere. Over the past year, Data Driven U has been an important part of my learning journey helping me stay focused and tackle GA4 implementation issues on my own.

I appreciate how this community respects my time and provides value rather than overwhelming me with unnecessary information. It's become an essential part of my professional growth, and I'm grateful to be a part of it.”
Alina POPA
“Despite being totally overwhelmed for the last two months straight, I have still gotten more value out of the DDU slack channel than any other source of industry news. The fact that it's not just a place to take value but to add value gives me a huge sense of pride in watching it grow. Absolutely love it!”
“If the DDU Slack community were to suddenly disappear overnight, I would seriously be in mourning. It has become my extended superpower. It’s almost like the Star Trek Series with the Borg. I need the voices of the DDU ‘hive mind’”

Inside our community, you’ll find the most up-to-date content available to digital marketers. We break the news before blogs and YouTube channels even have a chance to start writing!

Value: $997

Get exclusive bonuses that save you dozens of headaches, hundreds of hours, and thousands of dollars each year.

All included in your DATA DRIVEN INSIDERS membership!


Google Analytics 4 SOP Toolbox

Get our arsenal of 80+ SOPs and 11 dashboards to set up GA4 20x faster than you can do on your own! No coding needed.


You’ll love the GA4 DIY Process Toolbox if you are hyper executors who like to DIY using existing processes and systems. Especially if you are solopreneurs who don’t have time to sift through Google’s documentation.


Your team can use the GA4 Toolbox with repeatable processes and dashboard reports to create an analytics system, allowing your company to scale with more efficient use of marketing dollars.


Learn how to filter and enhance your data collection and feed your reports with the best quality data possible. As a result, you get actionable insights that will always lead you in the right direction.

Value: $999


Discounts to Essential Marketing Tools

Get eye-popping discounts to leading marketing software platforms to power your revenue-generation engine!

Supermetrics, Leadfeeder, Semrush, Keyword Hero, Analytics Canvas

Value: $2,999


Time-Saving Cheat Codes That Make Data-Driven Marketers Indispensable

Never spend another minute reinventing the wheel again!

Here’s a sneak peak of what you’ll get inside our treasure trove of time-saving cheat codes that make data-driven marketers indispensable.

Use our cheat codes to execute your campaign faster with better results
Need a strategy? We have simulators, planners, and playbooks ready for you!
Use our briefs and workbooks to get buy-in from your team TODAY and start executing

Ecommerce KPI Workbook

Use this roadmap to implement effective Ecommerce reporting

Google Analytics 4 Periodic Table

Use our visual display to navigate all the powerful features in GA4

Google Ads Automation

Improve your Google Ads account performance with automation

Content Marketing Brief

Develop content creation instructions for your team to follow.

Marketing Asset Design Brief

Design marketing assets to “stop the scroll” and attract potential buyers

Content Marketing Power Planner

Deliver your content marketing simply and effectively without burning out

Funnel Simulation Calculator

Use this simulation to build a funnel that helps you reach your revenue targets

Target Customer Empathy Map

Understand your ideal customer so you can attract them with your targeted copy

Facebook Ads Playbook

Start winning in Facebook Ads with our proven and timeless strategies

Plus at least 30 more of goodies like these…

Value: $4,997

All in all, you’ll get $21,981 worth of our courses, community, and resources along with all these bonuses…

At the price we’re offering you TODAY, you can be a member for 5, 10, or even 20 years and STILL come out ahead than if you bought all of those things separately!

If this isn’t a “no brainer”, I don’t know what it is.


Come and enjoy your DDU membership for the next 30 days. If you’re not blown away by the value of this membership, you’re free to cancel. 

Email support within 30 days of purchase and we will courteously refund your membership fee. Also, both monthly and annual members are always free to cancel their membership before their next payment.

This is a ZERO-risk opportunity. We don’t deserve your money if our community doesn’t change your life.

Ready to learn data-driven marketing skills that pay the bills and earn certificates along the way?

Our membership is conveniently available with two payment options




Paid annually

🎓 Five Certificate Programs that cement your status as a top 5% digital marketer ($4,995 Value)
🧠 Live “Brain Gainz” sessions + Office Hours with experts for continued learning of cutting-edge topics and where answers are always within reach ($4,995 Value)
👨‍💻 Unlimited support from our Slack community experts channel ($997 Value)
‍💼 Resource Library full of cheat codes, dashboards, and calculators saving you countless of hours of pain and frustration ($4,997 Value)
BONUS #1: GA4 Toolbox SOPs Pro Edition ($999 Value)
BONUS #2: Special discounts on marketing software ($2,999 Value)
100% 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Total Value: $19,981


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