Build Consent Into Your Marketing Without Tanking Your Revenue

This is how to improve your marketing performance while still complying with privacy rules.

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Respect users' privacy while still getting great results with our privacy-led framework
Even small businesses need to learn these techniques (fines are not just for big companies anymore)

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In 2023 alone, companies have been fined $2 billion (and counting) for violating privacy laws. Even small businesses have been hit. And it won’t stop with just GDPR.

It’s not just the fines and penalties…

The consequences are much more far-reaching and severe for businesses that fail to adopt a privacy-led marketing framework and get in compliance. Not only financially, but also operationally, competitively, and regulatory.


Loss of trust among your users
Poor data quality
Inability to leverage data insights


Damaged brand reputation
Loss of competitive advantage
Missed growth opportunities


Investigations, lawsuits, and litigation expenses
Diversion of leadership resources to manage incidents instead of driving business strategy


Major fines
Loss of revenue and profitability
Write-downs or decreased value of assets in a privacy-focused environment

At the same time, shifting to a privacy-led marketing strategy that is compliant in today’s regulatory environment is challenging:

Third-party cookies are dying
A recent iOS 17 update is already causing ripple effects on marketing
Performance of paid ads and SEO campaigns have tanked recently

Even Google and Facebook are suffering from legal and platform changes.

But there’s a silver lining…

Marketers who have already embraced the privacy revolution and baked privacy-led methods into their strategies are seeing bigger profits than ever.

And they are safe from crippling fines that have bankrupted a ton of small- to medium-sized businesses.

Most importantly, people trust their brands with their data, knowing that their privacy won’t be violated.

Here’s what you’ll find inside this Privacy-Led™ Marketing Handbook

How to Win at Marketing With This Privacy-Led DATA Formula

Free 16-Point Privacy-Led Marketing Checklist

Overview of Key Privacy Laws in Plain Language (no confusing legalese!)

General Data Protection Regulation

The European Union passed the GDPR in 2016 requiring businesses and individuals to protect other people’s personal information.

Personal information is any data that can identify someone, like their name, date of birth, address, photos, contact information, and such.

Companies must protect personal data, limit how long they can keep that data, and be transparent with people how their data is being used.

Act of 2003

The Federal Communications Commission in the United States adopted rules to protect consumers and businesses from unsolicited email and text messages. Fines start from $16,000 per violation, with no maximum penalty.

When sending a commercial email, there must be no false or misleading header information and no deceptive subject lines.

Each email must contain the sender's physical address and give readers the option to opt out.

California Consumer Privacy Act

This was passed in California in 2018 to give residents more control over their personal information, including names, locations, purchases, browsing history, and any data tied to an individual.

In addition to being transparent about data collection and usage, businesses must allow consumers to opt out of sharing of their information and request their data be deleted. Violators face fines of $2,500 per incident.

When You Lead Your Marketing Campaigns With Privacy In Mind, Great Things Happen:

Build trust with your audience
Elevate your brand reputation
Boost conversions with personalization
Protect your growing profits from penalties

Discover What 10 Privacy Lawyers and Experts Want You to Know Before You Run Your Next Marketing Campaign

Here are a few tidbits…

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This isn’t just another compliance guide that puts you to sleep. This is the most actionable privacy-led framework for marketers to date!

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